Community Radio 94.6fm to host fund-raising radio and TV
to broadcast live for 48 hours continuously this August
Community Radio volunteers will this month embark in a 48-hour
fund-raising radio and TV broadcasting marathon to raise some much
needed funds for the station.
not-for-profit organisation, Claremorris Community Radio is owned and
managed by the local community around Claremorris and will broadcast
live for 48-hours non-stop from 5pm on Friday 31 August to
5pm on Sunday 2 September.
year's Broadcastathon promises a jam-packed weekend of entertainment,
live music, chat and information, with the entire broadcast streamed
live on the radio station's TV website -
can not only tune into the event locally on 94.6fm but listeners
around the world can also tune into the weekend's activities online
via the station's website
air since 2006, Claremorris Community Radio is a not-for-profit
organization which is owned and managed by the local community and is
one of 20 fully-licensed community stations around Ireland.
station relies on donations, fundraising and support from local
businesses to support it's services and hopes that the community will
support their local community station during this event by either
donating online this August or sponsoring the volunteers taking part.
businesses have been very generous in supporting the station in the
past and it is hoped that they will once again show their support by
availing of the station's special advertising and sponsorship rates
for the event.
information about the event and about how you can support your local
community station can be obtained by calling the station on 094
9373737 or by emailing